The prophesies concerning Jesus and the fulfilling thereof.
The Tabernacle - The tabernacle and all that goes with it, speaks to us of Christ. Knowledge of the Old Testament is necessary to fully understand the New Testament.
The Priesthood - God set apart one tribe from the nation Israel, and that was the tribe of Levi, to be a literal priestly generation to him. Jesus Christ is the superior High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 4:14-16)
The Offerings - The procedures set out in Leviticus assume a holy place, an altar and the priesthood. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, and all the offerings in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the life and death of Christ.
The Feasts of the Lord - The feasts are God’s holy convocations where the people rested and celebrated.
The Angel of the Lord - In the light of the New Testament revelation, this Old Testament Angel of the Lord can be identified as the pre-incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ.